Tuesday, January 6, 2009


1/6/2009 3:38:38 PM There comes a point where the terror plots have to end and land on whoever is behind it. We have not ended the investigation and I hope others do not. However, Israel cannot keep skirting the issue and calling anyone who opposes them and terrorist and their leader and must be killed. There comes a point where criticisms and investigations must have some accountability; therefore, I encourage them to halt all operations until the investigation is complete and until the peace process is allowed. I encourage the G9 to begin to consider military force to demand an honest debate and to figure out who is behind this matter and it expanding with such cruel and terrorizing criticism. The pretend and the games have to end; they cannot keep running till the end of time; therefore, I encourage the prospect of military intervention and force to promote a full conclusion and honest debate finally. This can be on anybody who says we are their leader, are a terrorist, or need to be killed. This is not the time or place for stupid tricks or propaganda to feed the growing and angry left. If Israel likes to Bush, he must dismantle this terror plot and abide by the laws of the land; this is not Tel Aviv and espionage on these shores can apply depending on the violation or malice. There is clear malice and bad mouthing or smearing being engaged to win some secret or unbeatable mission. We cannot shy away from the idea that Israel may represent the Soviet Union or the enemy as well. KILLING PEOPLE IS NOT THE WAY TO VENT OR EXPRESS ANGER!

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