Wednesday, July 30, 2008


2008 will mark the 60th anniversary for the state of Israel. In 2008, this world and the governments of the world are divided into two worlds and maybe even more. The 1960s movement of counter culture signified the division of this world into two or more worlds and it is also associated with the birth of the devil. How do the forces and the leaders of the 1960s view the events in the Middle East? Do the peace activists and the liberals know something about Israel and their military which nobody else knows? Surely, there is a movement in this world to rethink the way we do things and the way life is lived, but how will these peace protestors and anti war activists seek to rethink the Israelis state? This is not just an open democratic state, it is also a theocracy. How come with all the problems in this world and all the conflicts and strife; the only ones who seem to avoid criticism are the theocracies? Theocratic regimes are coupled to hard line divisions and repressions for a belief system.

So are liberal democracies and liberal economic societies as free as they believe? Or on the flip side, are they as free as what they exist in, freedom? Why would liberals want to rethink the way people live life and become the police for this way of life while they insist it is a higher level of freedom? Well, where did theocracies slip through their paranoia or total sense of negativism? When people are a prisoner to another way of life, it is the end of the world and it is hard to say they are free or live in a free society. But why are these specific problems escaping the reality and way of life for the liberals? Why is it so special that the United States rethinks their way of life and not others? Why are the United States and her military so unique in her problems which force the fabric of society to be torn apart and forced to rethink ignorance and hate or else be a prisoner or incarcerated? Why is this model of ignorance and hate such a different way to live that government has to be looking over the shoulders of others every single minute?

The idea is why the concept of peace has to be rethought when nobody else or nowhere else is necessary? There are wars which have been ongoing for centuries but none of them have any problems with anti war protestors or socialists. Whey is the problems of the United States so unique with Israelis and defined by the events of the 1960s where peace is impossible, at least legally? Do the leaders of the United States need to rethink what peace is or ignorance and hate? Why are theocracies immune from anti war protestors but not immune from atheistic socialist groups? People describe the United States as a theocracy simply because it is based on morals and ethics. How come theocracies escape the socialists or the paranoia of these enemies of the state?

Liberal democracies are just that, liberal democracies. However, in a theocracy, open markets are a threat. They are a threat only because an open market can only exist when and if there is some unifying force, reglion is not that force. So what is the unifying force in the Middle east; localism, regionalism, or global view point? In a liberal democracy, democracy has no limits or controls; but in a theocracy, how can you have no limits and no control by religion? If a global leader in the world has a set way to think or has made their mind up, then that individual needs to view with grave suspicion and stupidity. We have heard some of the strongest arguments and some of the most aggressive ignorance on this subject unlike any other encountered. Perhaps there are some peace activists who need to rethink peace or their ignorance along with what they have or have not done? When they are ready to present their new unadulterated views without any regrets or objections, the world will dismantle each and every single one of these incriminating acts and stand for or demand peace. There are a lot of angry and violent people in this world and they recognize how inflation is the closest representation to the devil in this world even if they cannot smell the oxygen but have a monopoly over oxygen. What is wrong with oxygen?

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